We will be receiving an allocation of 1400 tickets for this All Ticket fixture priced at £22:00 each.
Ticket Allocation
Tickets will be allocated to Qualifying Season Ticket Holders, Corporate Members wishing to travel independently and who meet the following criteria:
Season Ticket Holders & Corporate Members who purchased a ticket for the away Champions League fixture against FC Porto on 18th September 2007 can make application for ONE Besiktas ticket.
The Ticket Office will be accepting applications/bookings from the above mentioned supporters immediately until Friday 12th October 2007. Tickets will be allocated as available and for as long as supplies last. Due to Liverpool F.C. not being in receipt of the tickets these will not be available for immediate distribution but the Ticket Office will contact successful applicants.
Window Sale
Tickets will be available for personal application at the Ticket Office from Wednesday 10th October to Friday 12th October, subject to availability, upon presentation of completed European Away application forms. Forms can be obtained from the Ticket Office or downloaded from our website: www.liverpoolfc.tv/tickets. The Fan Cards must be presented when applying at the Ticket Office.
Telephone Sale
Credit card bookings can be made on Telephone Number 0844 844 0844 (Overseas (0044) 870 220 2151) from Wednesday 10th October until Friday 12th October, subject to availability. Bookings will require all fancard numbers to be provided and the applicants address to be confirmed. Information covering the intended travel arrangements will be requested at the time of booking.
All tickets must be either collected from the Ticket Office when they become available or posted out by Special Delivery, which needs to be specified at the time of booking. Please note that this will be dependent on Post Office Industrial Action
N.B. Besiktas will not do any duplicates for this fixture.
Postal Application
Applicants must complete a European Away Ticket Application Form and the Fancard number must be quoted. A cheque made payable to Liverpool Football Club with return stamped addressed envelope and daytime telephone number must also be included. All applications must be received at the Ticket Office by Friday 12th October 2007.
The Ticket Office will telephone postal applicants whose requests have been successful.
Due to ongoing industrial action by Royal Mail over the next week it is recommended that applicants apply by phone or in person for this fixture.
Please Note: Supporters can purchase one ticket per qualifying Fancard.
Supporters can purchase tickets for up to a maximum of SIX qualifying Fancards at the Ticket Office window, and FOUR qualifying Fancards on the Telephone booking lines.
Supporters wishing to purchase a greater number of tickets MUST apply by postal application.
We would emphasise to qualifying Fan Card holders that no guarantee can be given that tickets will be available to all who apply.
All the above sales are subject to availability and while stocks last.
In the event of tickets remaining after the above sale a further announcement will be made.
IMPORTANT: All applicants must quote their Fan Card Number.
Applications should be addressed to: -
Liverpool Football Club
PO Box 204
L69 4PQ
N.B. Future away Champions League matches this season may be allocated using the data from previous away Champions League matches from both the current and the previous season.
It is IMPORTANT for supporters traveling to Istanbul to retain their travel documents which will provide proof of travel, e.g. the original stub from the flight boarding pass(es) or original documentation from other means of travel,
as these may be requested to be attached with the application forms for the away fixture in France. The documents may also be taken into consideration for any future matches within the UEFA Competitions
No refunds on tickets will be considered after Thursday 18th October 2007.
Ticket Office hours
Monday - Friday 8.15am - 5.30pm
Saturday - Sunday 9.15am - 1.00pm
Please note telephone booking lines will open at 8.30am Monday - Friday.