Balotelli sorry for Instagram post

The Italy international reposted an image from the computer game 'Super Mario' on his Instagram page which included the comment "jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew"

The image of Super Mario - with whom Balotelli shares a nickname - appeared with the heading "Don't be a racist"

The text then read: "Be like Mario

He's an Italian plumber, created by Japanese people, who speaks English and looks like a Mexican," before the final line, which has caused the controversy

Balotelli quickly deleted the post, but it soon spread on the internet

The 24-year-old, who has been a frequent victim of racism himself, responded on his Twitter account by writing: "My Mom is jewish so all of u shut up please"

He also described reposting the image as "my Unlucky moment"

Balotelli returned to Twitter on Tuesday morning to issue an apology to anybody who took offence at his comments

He wrote: "I apologize if I've offended anyone

The post was meant to be anti-racist with humour

I now understand that out of context may have the opposite effect

"Not all Mexicans have moustache, not all black people jump high and not all Jewish people love money

"I used a cartoon done by someone else because it has Super Mario and I thought it was funny and not offensive

Again, I'm sorry."

Source: PA