Balls Of Confusion

Last updated : 05 May 2003 By Alan Edge

There has emerged some confusion over my stance against Steve Kelly specifically and anti-Houllierites generally concerning the Gerard Houllier business. I’d like to clear it up once and for all if I may.

In no way shape or form do I consider Steve Kelly to be anything other than a mate and the most loyal and fervent of Liverpudlians. It goes without saying he has nothing to answer to anybody on that score and it becomes almost patronising of me even to write such a statement. Sadly, sometimes misinterpretation does reign and there is a need for clarification.

More pertinently, most certainly do I not consider for one moment that Steve Kelly’s disenchanted view of Gerard Houllier’s management and capabilities has anything whatsoever to do with any xenophobic hostility to the man. The reference in my last article to ‘Sacre Bleu’ and the ‘Frenchman’ was intended to convey my own mock indignation at Steve’s own indignation at Gerard Houllier’s indignation at ex-Red’s indignation at Gerard Houllier et alia. In other words, it was intended as a lighthearted snatch within a deadly serious piece.

If you’re still with me.

The sole reason Steve Kelly was featured so prominently in the piece was to reflect my utter dismay that, amidst all this incessant hounding of Houllier, a man of such standing and influence as Steve Kelly had finally pronounced his verdict that it was time for Houllier to go. Of course, Steve was merely expressing a view to which he was entitled. Like any fan. The difference is that the views of the likes of Steve and myself are read and digested by many and must therefore have some bearing on matters.

Thus, in this instance - whether Steve actually wanted to or not - he was, by definition, effectively standing shoulder to shoulder with some of those slagging Houllier off, lending them a degree of credence they may not otherwise have had. Nor did some of his occasionally unkind comments within the admittedly less public domain of his own Forum help in this regard. Nor for that matter have I ever read anything from Steve taking some of these unmerciful bastards to task for their outrageous pillorying of the man who is still our manager. I may, of course, be wrong on that score and I would dearly love Steve to publicly correct me if it is the case.

So, yes, I was very dismayed and disheartened by Steve’s thumbs-down Editorial especially coming as it did just before the ‘vital’ end of the season but, no, I did not intend any xenophobic slur or otherwise on the guy. Nor, despite the confusion, did I make any. Indeed, in the same piece I actually lauded him to the heavens for the prevailing magnificence of his Fanzine. I even strenuously attempted to understand his viewpoint given the negative pre-knowledge he had acquired from his own French acquaintances regarding Houllier and also the way his rather cynical nature would almost certainly have programmed him to hold a disparaging view of the football served up by the Frenchman – oops there I go again [he is French though isn’t he?].

As regards the broader arena of my alleged snide references to anti-Houllierites. It would be simply ludicrous of anybody let alone myself to make such a preposterous accusation that anyone opposed to Houllier or criticising him is snide or ‘masquerading’ as a Red. As it happens, I disagree with and reject the arguments of those who stand against Gerard Houllier continuing as Liverpool’s manager. I agree with many of the criticisms of the man but my own stance is that his retention is for the greater good both long-term and, for that matter, short-term. I also rail against those I hear talking what I consider to be anti-Houllier apologista shite simply to further the arguments against Houllier – for example that we never played some excellent footy against Fulham the other week.

It is, however, only the gloryhunting bastards seeking immediate gratification who support us by getting us out of a lucky bag and all those snide bastards who slag off a man who has given everything for this club winning us four major trophies and loves it as much as us all that I have ever returned vitriol in equal doses. I would sincerely hope that any true Liverpudlian would join me in that – including Steve Kelly above all.

Anyroad, apologies for any confusion. I now hope my views are somewhat clearer. I would add as a very deliberately aimed parting shot that it does help to read properly and thoroughly what I’ve said if only to mirror the thoroughness with which it involves me composing and writing the fuckin things. They are not things I enjoy writing. In fact, I detest the intrusion they make into my life. There’s no money in them for me and the abuse they generate from the cyber knobheads is toe curling but the bottom line will always be that I see a corner to be defended and I’ll fuckinwell defend it whether anybody likes it or not. Some fucker has to so it might as well be me.